Eyes of North Scottsdale Blog

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Understanding Vision Changes with Age: Tips for Maintaining Healthy Eyesight as You Grow Older

As we age, it's natural for our eyes to undergo various changes that can affect our vision. From increased sensitivity to glare to the development of cataracts, the aging process can bring about a range of visual challenges. However, with the right knowledge and proactive steps, you can take charge of your eye health and maintain optimal vision as you grow older.

How Often Should I Have a Comprehensive Eye Exam?

Regular comprehensive eye exams are an essential part of maintaining your overall health and well-being. These comprehensive assessments go beyond just checking your vision - they allow your eye care provider to thoroughly evaluate the health of your eyes, detect any underlying conditions, and recommend appropriate treatment or management strategies. Whether you're due for your next eye exam or simply curious about the process, understanding the importance of comprehensive eye exams and how often you should have them can help you prioritize your visual health.

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